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Yes, Sam will show you his dick

Exciting News!

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Sam
  • Post last modified:May 25, 2024

I'm So Excited!

I got verified at JustFor.Fans! My username is PATANDSAM, and I can post anything I want. They’ve verified that I’m a studio, and that I keep 2257 records. This is huge. I got verified on 5/19, and since then I’ve been posting daily. Here is the link:

I’m mostly posting throwback content. Very early stuff, and some later stuff. Nobody cares, really. But, that’s cool. I know that consistency is key, and if I keep posting, and keep advertising on X and Instagram, then eventually maybe something will happen.

But, I’m also filming new stuff. Mostly me – I only just now started doing that. A few glory hole videos with guys I know – yes, I got their IDs – and they don’t mind showing off their dick through a glory hole. So, I service them as best I can. I haven’t posted much of that yet, but it’s coming. Plus, Frankie came back to do a show. That’s cool. He still looks good after all these years.

So, I’ve posted up Davin & Quinn Glory Hole, Hector Blown, Troy Big & Joshua Berlin, Trevor’s Second, Scott and Ryan, and today I’m posting up Larry’s first and only scene. Plus a few videos of me jerking off. Some people seem to want to see that, so who am I to refuse my fans?

Also, my Twitter (X) account is coming along just fine, I think. I keep getting new followers – I’m up to over 75 followers now, and that’s just in 2 months. I’m not unhappy about that. I don’t spend any money on advertising, so it’s kind of organic.

The only “advertising” I am doing is through eBay. It’s ironic that’s how I started 20 years ago … on eBay. But, I’m selling there again now. This time instead of cum stained underwear from my models or my own DVDs (which nobody wants anymore), I’m selling magazines that I see and like. Plus I have a big collection that I’ve amassed over the decades. They sell well too, and I always include a little flyer that describes our stuff. I don’t know for sure if anyone actually looks at it, but it’s something.

So, I’m really happy with where I’m at right now. I’m glad I started doing this again, and I’m glad at least a few people are interested.