
  • Post author:
  • Post category:Sam
  • Post last modified:August 6, 2024

I have to apologize for not updating this website regularly. I’ve decided to really focus on my Justfor.fans account and page. That’s where I can easily post up all the content I have from the past, and all the new stuff I’m currently filming. It also gets far more hits than I get here, and it actually makes me money.


I’ve posted up so many cool things there recently. I hope you’ll check it out – justfor.fans/patandsam. I recently posted up some videos regarding some Kiiroo stroker toys I’ve been trying out. They came out cool. I’ve also been posting episodes from the truly nasty film I made with ITAKEIT (that’s his chosen name). I was just merciless and filthy with him, and he loved it.

I met Travone recently, and I’ve been filming him too. What a babe. Only 20 years only, and super horny all the time. We’ve been playing a lot.

Plus I’ve been filming lots of hot dicks through the glory hole. Super dicks attached to sexy guys I know. Sometimes they just want a blow job, and other times they want to fuck me up my ass too. How can I say no?

Plus I regularly post up older stuff from when I first started filming all those many years ago. Cool stuff I’d actually forgotten I’d filmed. It’s such a trip down memory lane. So many cute boys.

So, whereas I’m not updating here very often, you can always come see my new stuff. It’s just another click away.




           Sam at Pat and Sam