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Sam's Beard Speaks!

My Beard

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Sam
  • Post last modified:February 18, 2024

My unexpected beard journey!

Ever since I decided to grow out my beard, I’ve been surprised by the positive comments it receives. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting this reaction – it was my first attempt at a full beard after only sporting a goatee in my 30s! Back then, my chin hair grew in a unique “fish tail” shape, which I kept trimmed or shaved for years.

Finally, around the age of 60, I decided to let everything grow naturally. And that’s when this craziness happened! My mustache started curling at the ends, and my beard split into two distinct sections, both with their own playful curl.

The best part? I barely do anything to maintain it. Just regular shampoo and conditioner in the shower, and occasional hand lotion when it feels dry. While I can use styling products for dramatic shapes, I mostly prefer the natural look.

Would you like to see how I care for my beard in a video? Let me know in the comments below!

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