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These three boys love to play

Jason, Joshua Berlin, and Cade Devilin

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  • Post category:Guys
  • Post last modified:March 29, 2024

Wow. I haven't looked at this video in a long time.

I guess that’s part of the reason I’ve started up this website. I want to go through and look at these scenes again, and remember what a fun time I had with these guys.

Jason is a stud
Who as the nicest butt?

First, there is Jason.

What a little stud. So cute and genuine. His first video is amazing. It’s one o.f the ones that made me think I had talent. That I could capture some really great things. He’s just so cute in this scene too. He really had a great time, and he really liked playing off the other guys

I really miss Joshua Berlin.

He was so handsome and delightful. I first met him at 18 y/o, when he moved to Denver from a small town in Nebraska. He was so ready to have fun in the big city. Again, with these two other genuine guys, he really came into his own. Sadly, he passed on, and left a big hole in my heart.

Speaking of buttfucking

Ah, Cade Devilin.

Whenever I see his work I’m just astounded at how adorable he is. So honest and true. I know that sounds corny, but I’m serious. When I first me him he didn’t want to model. He said nobody would want to see him. He was so self concious about his cleft palate. I told him right away that was bullshit, and he should love himself. Every step of the way I told him – honestly – that he was a total stud, and that everyone will like him.

I hope you like him. I hope you like Joshua. I hope you like Jason. They’re all still part of my heart, and I hope this video shows you why. They all just frolic and giggle. Really, three cute boys having spontaneous fun. It’s not hard core. It’s not freaky. I mean, I like freaky, don’t get me wrong.

But, I like this too. I reminds me of when I was young, and it reminds me of good times period.