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Rusty Is Ready


  • Post author:
  • Post category:Guys
  • Post last modified:February 20, 2024

What a sexy boy! So quiet and sweet.

Passionate to the core. And always super horny. He came to model for us because he saw Austin on video and he was hot to meet him.

Rusty the Stud
Rusty is good naked too!

But, first he did a couple of solo videos for us.

He said he wanted to do full on Hollywood porn, but he didn’t want to go audition without some experience. So, he came over to do several videos for us.

He was hesitant at first

But after he did a couple of shoots with us he started to get very comfortable. He said he was ready to meet Austin, so we set that up.

Here - Have some Rusty
Rusty Nuts!

Every time we filmed him he just got better

We don’t know if he made it in Hollywood. We think he gave it a shot, but we didn’t see him again. Maybe he hit it big. If you’re out there, Rusty, reach out. We’d love to film you again!